Technology In The Classroom

Technology In The Classroom
Technology In The Classroom

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Finding Time To Use Technology

I keep hearing the complaint from teachers that they do not have time to utilize technology in the daily classroom rutine.  I have found that unless they have a reason and practical application for using the technology, it will not happen.  From time to time I observe in classrooms across the district and what I see is technology just sitting on the shelf not being used.  Training is important and must take place before you can expect the teacher to us it but it appears that application is the key.  The key is to start simple.  Use what is free and easily accessible to the teacher.  Google Earth, Power Point Templates, and assorted web sites for web quests are already available for use "right out of the box".  Once they find an application that works, the question of time to use it goes out the window.  Here are some great teacher websites for power point templates:
Brainy Betty

 Pete's Power Point Station

PowerPoint Templates

Google Earth provides a resource for teachers and students to explore the world.  Here are a few links that will get you started:

And finally, the site I feel you will get more good information is Thinkfinity

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Technology Empowerment

Who makes the decisions about what technology to buy in your District?  Is it a committee or is it the teachers who are expected to use the technology?  I use to think that it really didn't matter who made the decisions as long as I was able to use the latest toys in my classroom.  When I was a classroom teacher I always felt that I knew more about my needs than anyone else.  After all, it was my classroom.  Now that I am in a position that assesses the technology needs of the entire special education department, I have changed some of my attitudes.
Unless you have a Plan and "Inspect what you Expect", the whole process will fall short.  "The Big Picture" makes any decision much easier to make once you understand how all the pieces fit together.  Teachers are all not on the same technology levels and some need that extra push to embrace it.  My experience has shown me that once a teacher learns how to use technology, it opens up a wonderful world for their students to explore.  The empowerment stage comes once the Plan becomes a reality.  It takes both the teacher and the system to make the choices together.