Technology In The Classroom

Technology In The Classroom
Technology In The Classroom

Friday, December 28, 2018

Christmas Tech

It’s Christmas time and technology comes alive.  I know what you are saying....what else is new.  Everything is now connected.  The TV can think on its own, the refrigerator can tell you what you need on your shopping list, and Alexia controls it all.  I just finished connecting all my table lamps to remotes.  As crazy as it sounds, I love this concept.  My iPad talks to my Mac Book, which is connected to my Apple watch and finally all my info is stored in the cloud.  When I was a child all the toys needed my imagination, not batteries.  They didn’t talk to you or follow you around.  Now many of them are worth a lot of money if properly kept in pristine condition. Collectors pay big bucks for some of the toys that I threw away.  I wonder what will become of today’s toys? My guess is once they become old and no longer needed, will they fill our landfills?  I now work for a Museum and what I have noticed is that what remains is those items that bring memories to light or those items that made a difference in the lives of those viewing the displays.  As I look around the living room just a few days after Christmas I see the ghost of Christmas Past laying alongside of the present nd maybe the future.  What will last and what will fade away? Only time will tell.