Technology In The Classroom

Technology In The Classroom
Technology In The Classroom

Sunday, March 27, 2011

The End of the Story WiFi

The last time I blogged, I was in search of WiFi because my home connecting was down. After several online chats with my provider, we got it back on. I installed a new wireless router and now the signal is strong. Ok so what did I learn? Well I guess it goes without saying that I am so dependent on the internet that some times it takes over my life. The second less ion seems to be centered around the lack of free WiFi in my area. I live in a college town with a large medical presents. You would think that we would have more access to WiFi but we don't. Finally, the lessons learned should move us towards fixing the issue. That remains to be seen. One thing I do know is that once you begin to depend on technology, it has to be there all the time. Gone are the days where you were able to life your life without having to know what is going on at all times. Technology brings you the cutting edge but at what cost. I know this entry is starting to become deep but I feel that we should sometimes stop what we are doing and just let the natural flow of life take over. I would reflect more about this subject but somehow I am drawn towards checking my e-mail, catching up on the latest wire story, and I here "Angry Birds" calling my name. Until then, stay connected.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

In Search of the Free Wifi...Part Two

My last entry focused on my inability to get on line from home. My daughter had orders to place on line and I do tech support for a "Cloud-based" software program. If my teachers call even after hours, I need to be online in order to help. So now we are on stop number two in our search for wifi. Welcome to McDonnald's and the Big Mac wifi connection. I really need to get a life but then again, the internet is my life. I guess after 3 large iced teas, two Big Macs, and more frys then I care to eat, I think I have decided that unless my cable system comes through, this is really not the life for me. The realization is this; why is the internet and connecting so important to me. Well for one thing, I get all my current events on line. I live for social networking, and e-mail is the only way to communicate. Because I also do online tech support, I can't get away from it. Don't get me wrong, I love McDonalds but I think I have dropped to a new low in staying two hours sponging off the wifi. I just noticed that they close at 11:00pm. Well that gives me only about an hour and a half to connect with the world. Well let me rethink that, I do have my iphone. All I hope is that this time tomorrow evening I am laying in my bed, connecting at home with my peeps and using my own wifi...if not...its back to my Free Wi-Fi finder on my iphone attempting to locate that one place that will give me the connections that I desire. It might the an all night laundry or maybe I will book a room somewhere. Well this ends Part Two

What do you do when your Home Wifi goes out?

I am setting at the the local Panera Bread attempting to get this blog entry out before they close for the evening. I won't mention my home internet provider here (email me for the details) but because of some "difficulty" my home wireless is not working. Ok, so it might not be that important for me to get this blog post done tonight but you see I live and die by the internet. I really didn't seem to understand how much I would miss the internet experience. Right now I have my ipad and my netbook on line working on two projects. As long as Panera Bread remains open I can get some work conpleted. I know this is crazy but then again this is America. Don't call me cheap but desperate times call for desperate messures. Did I mention that I also am texting my daughter who is also here working on some order that "just has to be in tonight" If we run out of time here, we will just jump in the car and seek out free wifi. I guess you can say I am a total geek when it comes to being connected. As I look around the store, several people have their laptops open and either downloading e-mail, working on a school assighment or maybe on Facebook. Either way, I am connected. That is until my batterys run out. Technology is wonderful when it works and it sucks when it doesn't. I don't really understand why I am this way but if I really could face the truth, I am addicted. Hum, do they have programs out there for people like me? And would I attend the sessions in the first place. Well I only have 15 more minutes until they asked me to leave so I better end this short entry. OK let me see, where do we head next. we come.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Blogging at the Mall

Ok so I know that it is not really a big deal to be blogging at the mall but I think I hear the best and worse tech advice while sitting in the bookstore using their free wifi. It seems as if everyone is an expert when it comes to technology. I hear what is the "best" smart phone to buy, what notebook computer is currently being used and finally why you should stay away from certain technology. I know that most advice is not based upon knowledge but instead on usage. This information is good because you either hear the passion or pitfalls of each device in real time. The guy sitting next to me is using an iphone and across the room is a windows phone being used. The android phones must be in big demand due to the fact that several folks are using them while drinking coffee or reading books at the bookstore. If I were to guess, it seems as if just about everybody is holding some type of device, either a smart phone, notebook, ipad, or tablet in the bookstore now. I guess the quality of bandwidth must be good. While this blog entry doesn't really focus on a certain type of technology, it does underline the total take over of "Handheld or mobile devices". This really makes me wonder what is next. Of course we can expect technology to out grow what the public demands but as long as there is a need to know and gather informantion, keep in touch, Facebook, Twitter, and just interact, technology is the ticket.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Technology in the Hospital

While I a setting in the hospital waiting for my grandson to be born, I have noticed how many people have cell phones. I know that this really is not anything new but what I have noticed is how dependent we have become on them. Just try finding a place to charge them. You know that in most hospitals you really can not find a plug in. Cell phones are a necessary part of our lives and without them, we would be lost. But if you are of the age that I am, you remember well the time before cell phones. Not it seems as if life will stop if our cell phones die. I know this sounds funny coming from a "techie" but I miss those days.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Technology and Babies

Usually I discuss some new and improved piece of technology that will make life easy. There are some many apps and devices out there that will make your life easy but at this stage in my life the most important thing right not is waiting on the birth of our second Grand Child. How does this relate to technology you might ask. Well when our first child was born, the only piece of technology I owned was a small camera that used "Real" film. When the second child came along, we had moved to a much better camera and we then had a PC. 10 years later between the first child and the third, we had advanced to a movie camera and two point and shoot cameras. Fast forward to today and right now I am using three digital cameras, a flip video, three laptops and my ipad. This birth will be also be "live streamed" to the folks back home. Don't get me wrong, I long for the more simple days when you had to wait for the film to be developed to see what turned out. I guess life has to change but in the next few days, waiting for life to be born, I will reflect on him and what joy birth brings