Technology In The Classroom

Technology In The Classroom
Technology In The Classroom

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

What do you do when your Home Wifi goes out?

I am setting at the the local Panera Bread attempting to get this blog entry out before they close for the evening. I won't mention my home internet provider here (email me for the details) but because of some "difficulty" my home wireless is not working. Ok, so it might not be that important for me to get this blog post done tonight but you see I live and die by the internet. I really didn't seem to understand how much I would miss the internet experience. Right now I have my ipad and my netbook on line working on two projects. As long as Panera Bread remains open I can get some work conpleted. I know this is crazy but then again this is America. Don't call me cheap but desperate times call for desperate messures. Did I mention that I also am texting my daughter who is also here working on some order that "just has to be in tonight" If we run out of time here, we will just jump in the car and seek out free wifi. I guess you can say I am a total geek when it comes to being connected. As I look around the store, several people have their laptops open and either downloading e-mail, working on a school assighment or maybe on Facebook. Either way, I am connected. That is until my batterys run out. Technology is wonderful when it works and it sucks when it doesn't. I don't really understand why I am this way but if I really could face the truth, I am addicted. Hum, do they have programs out there for people like me? And would I attend the sessions in the first place. Well I only have 15 more minutes until they asked me to leave so I better end this short entry. OK let me see, where do we head next. we come.

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